The following collaborative table lists professionals and service providers that may be involved with a student who receives special education services. The role and collaborative contribution they perform is described for each of these professionals and service providers. The table does not include every professional or service provider that may be involved with a student who receives special education services or every possible role or collaborative contribution they may perform. The table gives more of general overview of the involvement of some of the main professionals and service providers that work with students who receive special education services.
In the table provided below, summarize the
major role the professional plays. Describe the collaborative contributions
that could be made by each professional on the team.
Collaborative contribution
Special Educator
Providing classroom instruction for students who
receive special education services, can be in several different settings and
methods depending on the students’ disabilities. Conducting student
assessment, evaluating student programs, synthesizing special related
services. Ensure accommodations are in place for students. Collect data on
student’s progress toward meeting goals.
Presenting data obtained through assessment to
planning team. Measuring the effectiveness of students’ plans and reporting
to team. Possible co-teaching with the general educator. Serve as team
facilitator and case manager.
General Educator
Implementing the academic curriculum in the
classroom, and the provision of appropriate learning experiences. Observing
the students with disabilities in the social setting of the general education
classroom. Ensure accommodations are in place for the student.
Providing information about students with
disabilities performance in the general education setting. Possible
co-teaching with the special educator.
Behavior Specialist
Identifying problem behaviors through assessment.
Interprets the assessment and helps develop the behavior intervention plan.
Consults with all teachers to alleviate problem behavior of child – i.e.
environmental assessment
Defining problem behaviors in a concrete way and
sharing them with team members to lead to successful behavior intervention
plans. Typically consults with the team to implement the plan and to address
any other issues effecting behavior.
School Psychologist
administering, and interpreting standardized and informal tests used to
determine students’ eligibility
for special programs. Addresses the child’s
affective needs.
Assisting in the planning of students’ programs.
Frequently facilitates the team IEP process.
Social Worker
Collecting information about the students’
backgrounds and home lives. Meeting with students in crisis. Addresses the
child’s affective needs directly or by consultation. Works with social
Providing information to the planning team for
program design. Serving as a link between school and outside service
Designing programs that help students with their
interpersonal skills and emotions. Designing student class schedules.
Assisting students with their future plans.
Providing observations and assessment data for
planning. Working with students’ service providers when designing programs
and assisting students with decisions.
Collaborative contribution
Speech-Language Pathologist
evaluating, and intervening of communication disorders. Administering formal
and informal tests to determine the severity of language difficulties.
Working with the classroom teacher to integrate
curriculum for students with language difficulties. Consulting with or
training teachers to help them better communicate with students with language
Physical Therapist
Developing a program of intervention and
assessment to meet the students’ physical needs. Addressing posture,
mobility, movement and skills that will increase the students’ independence.
Working with other team members to train them to
be able to meet the goals set for the students’ with physical needs.
Transition Specialist
Preparing students and families for transition to
working after schooling.
Working with service providers that work with a
student to assess the student’s abilities to determine the best place for
them after finishing school. Helping with planning of all aspects of
students’ lives after finishing school.
School Nurse
Planning of programs that involve health,
wellness or substance abuse. Administering medications. Planning for
emergencies, removing health barriers to learning. Teaching staff to meet the
child’s health needs including things like feeding and suctioning.
Acting as a link between the school and medical
providers. Training staff and parents for dealing with students’ health
Collaborative contribution
School Adminstrator
overall fiscal, legal, and programmatic responsibility for the unit in which
the team functions. Supporting the team with disciplinary action when
students need discipline outside of their program. Serves as leader of the
team giving guidance as necessary.
administrative support for the needs of the team. Setting the tone to
establish a collaborative culture for the program that supports the concept
of teaming. Guides the team in times of crisis or with questions.
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